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The Odd Reunion.

Stardate: 24318.9

Today was my first a working back at Sonic, where I never thought I'd ever end up again. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. At first, I was nervous info weird just by being there. I worked there for three years include two years ago, after two years there's been a lot that has changed and some that hasn't changed at all. I used to be a manager there and knew the place so well. After a while, I started having a feeling like I belong, kind of like I was home…not that I want to work there for the rest of my life. I guess I grew very accustomed to the place, it just feels like home. It is very odd.

But, I survived. Whether or not I like the decision I made, I need this job…I need a job. It's a job! I was kind of surprised that they hired me back because I didn't exactly leave on the best of terms. Nothing serious though. I was put under a lot of pressure and stress I wasn't able to handle at that time, so I freaked out, left, and never went back. The only thing I have to do is get to know and get along with all the new people that I now work with.


A Time To Celebrate?

Stardate: 24313.6

The reason why I lost my job with APS back in January wasn’t because of the economy or for anything bad…I wasn’t qualified for the job. My supervisor, one of the assistant principals at Highland High School, was an idiot. He is one of those people that can sit you down and make you feel small, inferior, and useless. He told me that if he had anything to do with my hiring in the first place, I would have never been hired. Luckily, I’m a person who can take scrutiny. He wasn’t able to make me feel small, inferior, or useless, but he sure put me in my place. Listening to the long list of things that I was doing that he didn’t like, I started thinking why is this job worth staying for? Fuck it! I didn’t really do or say much to try to save my job.

So, I was fired. I guess I can say I was a little depressed about it. I didn’t really do much to get another job. In fact, I’ve tried to avoid getting a new job. I wanted to sleep and be lazy all day. I wanted to watch TV and eat ice cream. I just wanted to be left alone. Now, that I have no money, I decided to go to Sonic and fill out an application. Sure enough I got my job back. I really don’t know what to think, I hope this will be a good thing. I’m excited. I don’t think is really a time to celebrate a job a kind of hated and walked out with angst. What the hell, to a job…let’s celebrate.


What’s Happening On That Crazy Island?

Stardate: 24291.4 The crazy, weird, tripped out, mysterious place. LOST is a show beyond anything I have ever seen before. It's my favorite show. There is so much going on, too much to explain it all, but everyone has their story that you learn little by little throughout the entire show. Crazy and sometimes horrible things will happen that you never expect. Any questions you may have, have you dying for the answers...and you have to wait for those. The storyline timeline is all chaotic, so you will know something happened but it will be explained why or how later on. The show drives me absolutely insane. There's always a cliffhanger at the end of each episode. I always scream "NOOOOOOO!" at the end and have to wait until next week...sometimes next season. It's frustrating but exciting all the same and I encourage everyone to watch. I can't wait to see what happens.


What's Turning Into…The Year Of Hell!

Stardate: 24288.0

I am surviving this horrible, shitty year. Though I am surviving, I am at my breaking point. The year started out horrible, than just got worse. Bad economy, huh? That seems to be what everyone stuck on. The banks are freaking out because there's a shortage of money...our government seems to be coming up with it out of thin air. So, the banks stop lending money, jobs are cut, people stop spending, and the whole damn thing fell apart. Who's to say things will get better? What's to keep it from happening again?

I want the economy to be the least of my troubles, however, it's not. The economic crisis is just an added bonus. The society I have the misfortune of living amongst on this God forsaken rock has turned on me. There is no justice in this world. I don’t have any intention of doing harm to anyone. I leave everyone alone, but that doesn’t stop anyone from leaving me alone. For having a pipe in my glove box, I am being punished. I forgot the stupid thing was in there. It wasn’t like I was selling weed, growing it or smoking it right there in my car while I was getting pulled over. It’s not like I asked the cop if he would like to take a hit while he writes a traffic ticket.

They heard the “that’s not mine” story too many times to believe that I was being truthful and honest. I explained how it got there. No, I spent the next ten hours being released at the jail because I guess I was an incredible danger to society. When I get there the clerk said she would trust me to show up to court and I would be released. Being released took forever, I just sat and waited all day and all night before they shuttled me and small group downtown. If I was going to jail for a pipe, I wonder how many people are in there for something similar or for something petty. What are jails for again? I thought it was to keep dangerous people away from everybody so no one gets hurt. But I now know that law enforcement abuses it to put harmless and practically innocent people away to pay there fines and such. I should have put those cop on a high speed chase, driving on the wrong side of the road, hitting a pedestrian or two, and find a lovely mini van or SUV to ram into killing an nice family just so it would actually be worth going to jail. That would have been something.

So, anyway I show up to court plead not guilty and await trial. If found guilty, my sentence would be a $1000.00 fine and/or a year in jail. I was in stock. I had no legal counsel, but I wasn’t going to spend any time in jail so I took the plea deal for community service and the ASPEN class. I did the community service but the ASPEN class cost $100.00 which I didn’t have because I am unemployed and worthless. So, just for fun, I decided to drag this out even longer. I don’t know what’s going to happen now, but I’m scared. Jail is a place I never want to go to again. The judge can order me to be booked right there. I am in the position where I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I never wanted it to get this messy, but it is. I am pretty damn sure that this is hell. It sure is what’s turning into the year of hell. I’m just not too sure I’m there yet…