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Ringing In The New Year...

Stardate: 24991.7

For what was suppose to be The Year of The Phenomenon, it turned into The Year of Total Bullshit! I would like every year to be a good year. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. In the case of 2009, it was horrible.

I don't ever want to label a year good or bad anymore. 2009 has been a total nightmare from the beginning. I guess having high hopes brought down my whole positive aspect of what was suppose to be a year of moving forward…instead, my life went backwards. So many things went wrong, it feels as though nothing good came out of this year. I lost my nice job at APS, I went to jail and dealt with a year of court drama, I had so many social imperfections, and I’ve become so distant from my family. It’s just so depressing…

I am ready for something new. I need to change my life around. I am sick of being stuck in a dead end. There is no time better than the start of a new year to change things around. I want to be happy again. I need things to go my way. 2010 is the year I’m going to make a few adjustments that will hopefully turn everything 180 degrees back in the right direction.

First thing’s first! I’m going back to school. I’m going to go for a pharmacy technician degree in the fall. I need to start my prerequisites this spring to get ready for the fall term. No more fucking around. I need a job that can support my way of living. I can’t stay at Sonic forever.

Next, I need to get rid of all the shitty people in my life that are holding me back. This includes people that are roughly judgmental. I’m sick of people that are closed minded and can’t think for themselves. I care for the people that care about themselves and others and treat people as equals. I’m ready to welcome new people that can see the world as I do.

Last, I need to focus on the future. My future. As everyone should say to themselves, “This is my world, everyone else is just living in it.” Drama that isn’t my own will no longer be tolerated. It’s time I worry about my life and not other people’s messy lives. Everyone is forced to coexist with one another, but not forced to involve themselves in someone else’s life. Drama is only a distraction from my goals.

2010 is the year my life is going to change. If I keep my head up high, I can strive to be the person I have longed to be…to be someone in this world.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and wish everyone good luck on their resolutions. It’s not going to be easy, but everyone deserves some hope. Happy 2010!


Lost Things Better Off Lost.

Stardate: 24974.4

When it comes to friendship, friends are suppose to be there for you in a time of need. Friends are who you turn to, after all. It hurts when they turn against you and it hurts even worse when they totally replace you with someone else.

When my friend started hanging out with this guy he met,I got a little jealous. He’s with him all the time. He must be a better friend than me or maybe we just aren’t as close of friends as I thought. Things are complicated.

I’ve been there for him when he needed me countless times. I never expected he would turn on me the way he did. Suddenly, I’m out of the picture and when I need him to be there for me, I was rejected. Some friend, huh?

I’m having a hard time dealing with the fact that I don’t matter to someone I care about. Things are awkward now and I have to see him all the time. Things can’t ever be the same because trust is something hard to gain back. My trust in him was totally betrayed.

The feelings I once had for him are now lost…and probably better off lost. I just wish there was an easier way to deal with this situation, but like I said, it’s complicated…oh well!


Knowing Who Your True Friends Are…

Stardate: 24948.3

There is nothing worse than losing a friend. Someone you care about who you thought cares about you too. A friend by definition is a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. People can tend to make bad decisions sometimes and do things that can hurt a friend. Trust is something hard to earn back once its lost.

I feel so betrayed by someone I considered my best friend. For a time, we told each other everything. But now, he won’t even talk to me. Even though the feelings are still there, I know I have to let go. I’m not going to let another human being emotionally compromise my life. I am sad but it’s over. There are better friends out there. I just need to be careful and know who my true friends are. Friends won’t make me feel like this.


Going Nowhere Fast…

Stardate: 24880.3

I always try to do the right thing by being an honest and nice person. But who am I kidding? I’m a mess…my life is a mess. I know it and everyone else knows it. I concern myself with other people’s problems when I should be worrying about myself right now.

I’ve got to bury the giant hole I dug myself before I end up getting stuck in it. There is so much drama I’m battling all at once, it seems so overwhelming. If I don’t start cleaning up, I have no doubt I’ll end up in that hole.

I feel like I’m held back from my full potential. The game I’m in doesn’t play fair. It’s like I’m going nowhere fast. The emotions, the drugs, the drama, the court mess…they all play a negative part in my life I wish I can erase. Life is simply not that simple. I need some help to get out, just not sure how to get it…


Where My Heart Belongs…

Stardate: 24875.2

Out of all the people in the world, there is only one person right now I have true feelings for. My heart belongs to Javier. I never felt this way for anyone as strongly as I do with him. I’ve been searching for that special someone forever now. I’ve searched hard, and in it all, I’ve been crushed and hurt so many times. As soon as I give up on the idea of having my special guy, he came out of nowhere and literally surprised the hell out of me.

Even though he currently lives far away, the time we had spent together was unforgettable. He is one of a kind. I respect him for the kind and sweet heart he has. Being so far away from him brought me down. I never felt it so hard to part with someone. When we parted ways and continued our separate lives, there was not day I didn’t think about why I shouldn’t just pack up and leave everything I know and love to be closer to him.

The happiest news I got recently was when Javier told me he was coming back. I now have a second chance to be with the guy I love. Hopefully, he’ll be here long enough for me to figure out where I want to go in life. It’s opened a door in the way I look at my future. I hope he feels the same too.

I loves you, Javi! MUAH!


Whatever Is Clever...

Stardate: 24848.9

Though the year has been very unpleasant and unkind at times, I’ve tolerated the tough confrontations that have come my way. I feel like I am consistently on trial as though I was charged for a crime I did not commit in some past lifetime. I should stop feeling like I am being punished for living my life. I am tired of playing victim and ready to move on.

I believe it is wise to remain optimistic. Things could be as grim as day, but when looking at things in a different light, it alters the meaning and true feelings one has of all that may oppose. Strength comes from gaining knowledge of challenging experiences and learning to combat them subsequently.

In other words, it’s been a rough year. Nothing seemed to go my way. I got through the challenges and now I’m ready to move on. I learned to accept everything the way it is and be more optimistic. I see now that the only reason why I had a bad year was because I made it a bad year just by seeing everything in the negative rather than positive.


Trapped Between Somewhere And Nowhere!

Stardate: 24832.4

It isn't quite clear where I belong. The world is chaotic and cruel. There are many people I don’t trust, people that pretend they care but don’t, and people that use me for what little I have. It’s confusing to decipher what people’s intensions really are as to who I can trust.

People are selfish. Everyone always does what’s in the best interest of themselves. Trust is a risky thing because people may decide to act with you or against you at their own will. Putting trust in someone is something I have a tough time doing. I have been betrayed many, many times. So the people I put my trust in are special because I hardly trust anyone.

Emotions are often a factor in social situations. I try not to become emotionally compromised by my feelings. Sometimes my feelings get the best of me and left in ruins and forced to move on. Whether someone cares about me or my feelings or not, pretending to care is something people do. I’ve been hurt by someone who told me they don’t want to hurt me. Why bother?

I hate and resent the feeling of being rejected or judged. I know that no one can help being who they are…I can’t help being who I am. I try being as socially acceptable as possible. I am a nice and generous person and share what little I may have. Some people see it as a venerability and take advantage of me. I don’t mind help others out, but when people abuse my generosity for their satisfaction, I become less kind and not as giving.

It’s hard not knowing your place in the world. It’s difficult deciding who’s with you and who’s against you…who you can trust and who you can’t…who cares and who couldn’t give a flying fuck! Feelings like this leave me trapped between somewhere and nowhere, wherever that may be. I have to face the world and all it’s challenges. Once again I realize I am all alone.


The Bright Sides

Stardate: 24772.0

Though the world is filled with unfortunate incidents, the bad things that make life difficult at times, there is always a way to look on the bright sides of things…

I’ve noticed that like to play victim. When something bad will happen to me, I seem to always make things sound worse than they actually are. Poor me, right? I am not the dead center of the universe. As bad as I may feel when these unfortunate incidents happen, it really doesn’t matter.

In my 24 years of life, I have been though a lot. I can say that what hasn’t killed me has surely made me stronger. Sometimes bad things can be good. The power of knowledge is my driving force, as it is with everyone. If we never experience pain, we will never learn how to heal from it.

Looking on the bright sides of things, even in the darkest situations, can help emotionally. There are always going to be unfortunate incidents. It’s how we deal with them which determine our strength.



Stardate: 24769.6

I hate dealing with emotional bullshit. I don’t know why I do this over and over again…get too attached to certain people. When I start to like someone, they will quickly be all I will think about. It’s an enormous problem for both me and the other person. I haven’t been able to keep myself from becoming clingy. The other person is usually trying to brush me off because who wants a clinger? I know I don’t.

I am a nice and a generous person. I like making people I care about happy. I will admit that I am a lonely person just looking for companionship. I think of myself as a social retard. I don’t fit in with most groups of people. I’m quiet and to myself in social situations mostly because I like having semi-intellectual conversations. The topic of most conversations are about usual, irrelevant, everyday bullshit. The punishment for being a social retard…loneliness.

I guess in the end, I just want companionship. I just want someone who can feel the same way I do about them. I start feeling sad and hopeless when I get rejected by someone I like. I feel like I should have LOSER tattooed to my forehead sometimes. I know that I am who I am I can’t do much to dramatically change that and excepted that. I’m really not one to judge others, but I feel judged and rejected by a lot of people. It’s not fair.

I would like to try fitting in with other people. I don’t care about being cool or widely accepted by everyone. I just don’t want to be lonely anymore and pouring my heart out to my blog. I hope I can someday find my lost happiness.


The Roller Coaster…of Love!

Stardate: 24759.2

I am on an emotional roller coaster with guys, let me tell you…

Recently, this summer, I met Javier. He is someone I didn’t expect to meet nor have feelings for. I was at the club and wanted to dance with the cute boy Russell was dancing with. I jumped in between them both and suddenly, Javier’s attention was focused on me. We did our thing that night, but started getting to know each other. I fell in love with this guy who admires me too. The only problem is that he lives in Phoenix, Arizona. To me that is a completely different world. If I could just pick my life up here and drop it off there, I would. It’s just too far away from everything I know. It is the same for him too. He can’t just leave and come here.

I called him one night to tell him good night and tell him I love him. After we hung up, he calls me back crying and telling me that he can’t do it anymore. It seemed like something he has been holding in and just dying to let out. I became depressed. Though I knew things between us would never work, I kept hoping for the best and ignored the fact that he was so far away. I excepted it and decided to move on.

Rob was next, I met him a few weeks later. He sent me a sweet message on MySpace. We met and chilled together. I noticed right away that he liked me way too much. He tried rushing things on me. Things like feelings. I simply didn’t feel as strong toward him as he did with me. I tried explaining how he needed to slow things down and stop thinking of me as property…that’s kind of how I felt. I took some time to myself for a while, like a week, and he took it I didn’t what to talk to him and freaked out.

Then, came Drew, who recently became a good friend of mine. We both work together and started hanging out. We hooked up one night and after that I started developing feelings for him. He’s not like most people. When most people just say things others want to hear, he sounds mostly sincere rather than lie about it. I respect him for that. He doesn’t have feelings for me, however. It’s like I keep hoping he’ll change his mind…but I know he won’t. A dead end for love, but an awesome and caring friend.

Finally, there is Craig, someone I met through my friend, Justin. Justin likes me and I kind of like Justin, but when I met Craig, I went gaga over him. Craig flatters me in odd ways. He makes me feel comfortable around him. We joke around with each other a lot. I don’t know if he likes me as a boy or like a boyfriend. Either way, I look up to him and respect him. He’s a fun guy to be around.

Emotions run up and down with each guy. It is like a roller coaster. I get too attached too fast and get too hurt. In the end, whoever I may be with, I know that everything will be fine. My feelings are tough to hurt. I am a nice person outside but tough as diamonds inside. Emotions are irrelevant. They can be manipulated and controlled. I try to love and be loved, but it’s as if I can love anyone, yet no one really, truly cares about me. I guess I have to just except it and move on. Someday, I’ll be happy without trying so hard to look like it. Hopefully…


Summer’s End…

Stardate: 24724.7

Summer is my favorite time of the year. There is no cold weather to worry about. Though the days are sweltering, the nights are warm. Just how I like it. Today was the last full day of summer. Summer with officially end and the equinox begins at 15:19 tomorrow. I’m going to miss it.

Work Related Bad Ideas…

Stardate: 24722.4

When I was 18, I fell for a guy I worked with. Back then I was young and stupid with emotions and got too attached to him. His name was Jason. At the time, I didn’t realize how bad of an idea dating someone you work with was. There was always tension between us and it was really awkward.

He was the first person I really ever fell for. Being young and stupid, I didn’t know what love was, but I sure thought I did. Though he didn’t really have any feelings for me, the feelings I had for him were strong and they were certainly there. After he expresses his lack of feelings for me saying I was nothing more than a booty call, I freaked out. I didn’t know what to do, things started to get messy. I was angry and I felt used. I was so heartbroken.

If I had never experienced my obsession with Jason, I wouldn’t be the way I am today. The feelings I felt made me stronger in way. I see it now as a huge mistake and if I could go back and change it, I would. I learned a valuable lesson, not to let my emotions, whether they are good or bad, get the best of me.

Dating someone at work became a big no no! A workplace can become very stressful. Any drama would have to be dropped at the door. To have feelings for someone you work with plus the added work stress plus seeing them more often than you’d like to see anyone equal tension and frustration. It’s something I said I’d never do again…

But guess what? I kind of have feelings for this guy I work with. I don’t know, when I started there, I never really noticed him and I thought he didn’t like me very much. Not a lot of people do, however, I don’t really care. After working with him for several months, I thought he was an asshole the way he talked to me in a kind of spiteful tone. When I started working more nights, when he usually works, we started to kick it and get to know each other a little better. I guess I kind of started to like him, but in the front of my mind, that alarm would go off, BIG NO NO!

One night he had some alcohol and shared with me. We started getting a little playful and before I knew what my stupid drunk ass just did, we hooked up. I haven’t been able to get him off my mind since…

Mixed signals, one telling me I like him, another telling me to think about things for a minute, and another saying to go for it. We both agreed to remain friends because we work together. It really hurt me to be the one to bring that up. Though it’s for the best for both of us, I do really like this guy and I really do care about him and what happens to him. It’s strange and it’s weird because I can’t explain why I have these feelings.

I don’t know what to do. I try to avoid the feelings and think about something else, but in the end, I feel like crap because I can’t have him. I get so angry and jealous when he talks about his ex or other guys. I get excited to see him at work or if we’re just kicking it. At this point, I have no idea what to do. Every fiber in my being tells me to forget about it and move on, but for some reason I can’t explain, I can’t.


The Crazy Life!

Stardate: 24716.6

Since I was about 15, I started having views in which contradicted views I was raised on. I started looking at the world more logically...more scientifically. Things began making more sense explained in a scientific view rather than a religious view. I saw the world as a very chaotic place because religion was the cause of wars and hatred. The world is politically divided and bordered because people cannot get along. I don't see why...

The belief of God or any higher power started looking like a made up lie. I mean how can anyone create man in his image, give us the power of free will, and damn us all to hell for any wrong doing, yet still loves us all the same? Crazy!!! Even at 15, I believe people are delusional and very closed mined.

Since then, I became a rebel. Everything I was taught was bad, I figured...what the hell?Here begins the crazy life. Cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, staying out late, and finding crazy trouble became something I enjoyed doing. To this date, the crazy seems to follow me. I turned from good and innocent to crazy because I dropped faith in God and in the world. I think I just stopped caring about whether God was watching or not. If he was, then where was he?

I enjoy the crazy life, things seem to be more fun...more interesting...more challenging. I don't see it going away for some time.



Stardate: 24689.9 (09/09/09 09:09)

Today is a special day. According to those some circa 2000 years or so or whatever ago...people were aware of the night sky's repetition year after year. 365 1/4 days were created to fully complete a cycle everyone knows as a year. 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months, 4 seasons with 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices. Tracking the sky is how we have been able to figure out shit about our universe. It’s a crazy thing. So, with setting a milestone, we have come 2009 years. The date is set and it is September 9th, 2009 making it 09/09/09.


The Past Ten Days or So…

Stardate: 24654.4

Wow, I haven't had the time to blog for a while. I need to get back up on that shit. I had a crazy past 10 days or so...

The stress of going to court is unbearable and builds more and more the closer it gets to the date. It’s stressful because I don’t have a clue what will happen to me. Every time  I’ve gone, all they seem to do is want to put me in jail. They always find something random that I never showed up to that I never knew about. It’s a crazy mess. Now, they keep postponing later and later. It’s driving me nuts! I just want this gone.

Right before having to go to court, I smashed my fucking thumb into the car door as I was shutting it. The nail is going to fall off. The smashing it part didn’t hurt as much as the rejection part. This thing is nasty…it’s been fun showing people and grossing them out. Yeah so, I hit the bottom part of the nail. I watched it turn from pink to red to blue to purple to black. Once it was black it started spreading through the whole nail. The pain was insane, I couldn’t sleep two days because of it. There wasn’t much to do but bitch and whine to myself about it. I was careful not to let anything touch it. It’s fine now. It’s gross.

Not too long after, I started feeling nauseous. I stared getting a fever and  started throwing up until there was nothing at all anymore to throw up. I could keep any food down or move or walk. Pepto worked for five minutes until that would go to. That was my secret weapon against what ever motherfucking virus this was. By day 3, I was considering going to the hospital. But my boyfriend, Rob, invited me over to take care of me. He did a good job too. I finally stopped throwing up but the nausea slowly started going away and I finally stopped. This was no swine flu. Shit, I would have gladly taken that instead. No one else I came in contact with got sick, so luckily it wasn’t contagious. On the other hand, the past 10 days for me have been hell. I was finally able to fall and stay asleep. That’s all I did yesterday, like all day. It was wonderful.


All Hands To Battle Stations…

Stardate: 24553.2

There are so many things in the world that are corrupt that I can't even begin to understand...some I don't even want to. It's strange how we consider ourselves as free people. But, if you thought really hard about it, you'd realize that we're not. We live under a false sense of security thinking that we're safe when we can succumb to an infinite number of possible things. Whether it be justified or not, we live in a realm of the unknown. There is nothing else in the world that scares the living shit out of me more than that.

Time is a curious thing, we live as of now. What's been done is done and there is no way to change the past. The future is unpredictable but we have access to choose the outcome. Everything is chosen by us as sentient beings and excepted or regretted. I have no choice but to except the inevitable. There are a few things I do regret...

First, I regret getting in trouble. I'm a good person and even though I need to take the punishment for my crimes, I still don't want to face it and I still don't think I deserve it. Second, I regret meeting a boy I absolutely fell in love with, who popped out of nowhere, and not moving my messed up life to Phoenix and starting over like I should have. It's too late for that now. Third, I regret making everything seem like it is okay. I know that for the past few months things haven't been okay, things aren't okay, and I'm not really sure whether or not things will ever be okay. I sure as hell don't have anyone here telling me it going to be okay.

I live as though my ship is being sailed straight into the heart of the enemy. There is a war and it's all hands to battle stations. No hope of escape, no hope of survival, just waiting for the attack. Everyone must do there best, despite the odds, and fight to the bitter end...just as we do in real life. We are not safe, but we all do the best we can, and that's all we really can do.


The Odd Reunion.

Stardate: 24318.9

Today was my first a working back at Sonic, where I never thought I'd ever end up again. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. At first, I was nervous info weird just by being there. I worked there for three years include two years ago, after two years there's been a lot that has changed and some that hasn't changed at all. I used to be a manager there and knew the place so well. After a while, I started having a feeling like I belong, kind of like I was home…not that I want to work there for the rest of my life. I guess I grew very accustomed to the place, it just feels like home. It is very odd.

But, I survived. Whether or not I like the decision I made, I need this job…I need a job. It's a job! I was kind of surprised that they hired me back because I didn't exactly leave on the best of terms. Nothing serious though. I was put under a lot of pressure and stress I wasn't able to handle at that time, so I freaked out, left, and never went back. The only thing I have to do is get to know and get along with all the new people that I now work with.


A Time To Celebrate?

Stardate: 24313.6

The reason why I lost my job with APS back in January wasn’t because of the economy or for anything bad…I wasn’t qualified for the job. My supervisor, one of the assistant principals at Highland High School, was an idiot. He is one of those people that can sit you down and make you feel small, inferior, and useless. He told me that if he had anything to do with my hiring in the first place, I would have never been hired. Luckily, I’m a person who can take scrutiny. He wasn’t able to make me feel small, inferior, or useless, but he sure put me in my place. Listening to the long list of things that I was doing that he didn’t like, I started thinking why is this job worth staying for? Fuck it! I didn’t really do or say much to try to save my job.

So, I was fired. I guess I can say I was a little depressed about it. I didn’t really do much to get another job. In fact, I’ve tried to avoid getting a new job. I wanted to sleep and be lazy all day. I wanted to watch TV and eat ice cream. I just wanted to be left alone. Now, that I have no money, I decided to go to Sonic and fill out an application. Sure enough I got my job back. I really don’t know what to think, I hope this will be a good thing. I’m excited. I don’t think is really a time to celebrate a job a kind of hated and walked out with angst. What the hell, to a job…let’s celebrate.


What’s Happening On That Crazy Island?

Stardate: 24291.4 The crazy, weird, tripped out, mysterious place. LOST is a show beyond anything I have ever seen before. It's my favorite show. There is so much going on, too much to explain it all, but everyone has their story that you learn little by little throughout the entire show. Crazy and sometimes horrible things will happen that you never expect. Any questions you may have, have you dying for the answers...and you have to wait for those. The storyline timeline is all chaotic, so you will know something happened but it will be explained why or how later on. The show drives me absolutely insane. There's always a cliffhanger at the end of each episode. I always scream "NOOOOOOO!" at the end and have to wait until next week...sometimes next season. It's frustrating but exciting all the same and I encourage everyone to watch. I can't wait to see what happens.


What's Turning Into…The Year Of Hell!

Stardate: 24288.0

I am surviving this horrible, shitty year. Though I am surviving, I am at my breaking point. The year started out horrible, than just got worse. Bad economy, huh? That seems to be what everyone stuck on. The banks are freaking out because there's a shortage of money...our government seems to be coming up with it out of thin air. So, the banks stop lending money, jobs are cut, people stop spending, and the whole damn thing fell apart. Who's to say things will get better? What's to keep it from happening again?

I want the economy to be the least of my troubles, however, it's not. The economic crisis is just an added bonus. The society I have the misfortune of living amongst on this God forsaken rock has turned on me. There is no justice in this world. I don’t have any intention of doing harm to anyone. I leave everyone alone, but that doesn’t stop anyone from leaving me alone. For having a pipe in my glove box, I am being punished. I forgot the stupid thing was in there. It wasn’t like I was selling weed, growing it or smoking it right there in my car while I was getting pulled over. It’s not like I asked the cop if he would like to take a hit while he writes a traffic ticket.

They heard the “that’s not mine” story too many times to believe that I was being truthful and honest. I explained how it got there. No, I spent the next ten hours being released at the jail because I guess I was an incredible danger to society. When I get there the clerk said she would trust me to show up to court and I would be released. Being released took forever, I just sat and waited all day and all night before they shuttled me and small group downtown. If I was going to jail for a pipe, I wonder how many people are in there for something similar or for something petty. What are jails for again? I thought it was to keep dangerous people away from everybody so no one gets hurt. But I now know that law enforcement abuses it to put harmless and practically innocent people away to pay there fines and such. I should have put those cop on a high speed chase, driving on the wrong side of the road, hitting a pedestrian or two, and find a lovely mini van or SUV to ram into killing an nice family just so it would actually be worth going to jail. That would have been something.

So, anyway I show up to court plead not guilty and await trial. If found guilty, my sentence would be a $1000.00 fine and/or a year in jail. I was in stock. I had no legal counsel, but I wasn’t going to spend any time in jail so I took the plea deal for community service and the ASPEN class. I did the community service but the ASPEN class cost $100.00 which I didn’t have because I am unemployed and worthless. So, just for fun, I decided to drag this out even longer. I don’t know what’s going to happen now, but I’m scared. Jail is a place I never want to go to again. The judge can order me to be booked right there. I am in the position where I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I never wanted it to get this messy, but it is. I am pretty damn sure that this is hell. It sure is what’s turning into the year of hell. I’m just not too sure I’m there yet…


The Punishment Light

Stardate: 24238.6
    I watched an episode of Weeds titled The Punishment Light. I totally have one of those. The Punishment Light is an evil red light that stays red and will not change. I sit there and I wait and wait and wait. I watched the across lights change to yellow and get ready to go, but to my frustration it stays red. The opposite direction gets the green and the green left arrow. By this time, I have called the light every bad word in the book. It's the middle of the night and there's no one around, so I start debating whether or not to run the damn light. Then, it dawns on me that I'm being punished for doing something bad. Oh, and then it turns green! In case you're wondering, it's Carlisle and Candelaria heading southbound . This takes me back to watching that episode of Weeds, because the same exact thing happened on that show for the same reason.
    I did do something bad. My question is, was I really being punished? Who is punishing me or is it that I am leading myself to believe I'm being punished to deal with the guilt? I guess such a question should be left for eternity. I guess we will never know. I swear, it is like that light knew exactly how to upset me.


The World, Falling Apart...Again and Always!

Stardate: 24080.8

There are things about people that I just can't stand and I don't think I will never understand. Working at a school has proven to be very challenging and overwhelming. I have learned to work and get along with my coworkers and all the teenagers running around. My coworkers are all older than me, most are old enough to be my parents. You'd think that people working in a professional establishment could pull off acting civilized, but that is certainly not the case here. The way things run, the way people are treated, and the way people act are examples of the crude environment. It's horrible.

I hate it when people act as though they like you, but in actuality, behind your back they hate your freakin' guts. This is something I just don't understand because I know if I didn't like somebody, I least make an effort to show it. Generally, I'm a nice person and you really have to do something horrible for me not to like you because unlike others I'm not as judgmental and I think that it's nice to be nice. My coworkers don't like me because I'm young, inexperienced to fulfill the full potential of my job, and I guess I don't work as hard as everybody else does. So, the secretarial staff secretly watched and documented anything that pissed them off. I mean, they just about picked off every little thing I did or have said an email my supervisor who is an assistant principal.

I've only worked there six months and there is practically no one there training me with all of the responsibilities that I was responsible for. Usually, I'd figure out a one of my responsibilities when someone would need it done. This doesn't mean I was lazy, wasn't working, or not doing my job at all. My first week there, I worked through registration which was total hell, but I survived anyway and learned the basic responsibilities of my job. Throughout the year, I busted my ass checking in and out textbooks to the thousands of students going to that school. I was overworked and definitely underpaid. I went along thinking for the past six months that I was doing a good job, but during my evaluation on Friday, that just wasn't the case. My supervisor read the list of all the little things I have done wrong that the other members of the staff didn't like. Mostly all of it, and it was a pretty long list, were stupid little things like going on a break at the same time someone would happen to need something from the bookroom, or forget to clear a student's fine from record after they pay me...honest mistake which is easily correctable, just stupid little shit. It was certainly the first time I heard anything about it because everyone goes on like it's business as usual and never confronted me with these issues directly. I'm pretty sure the whole list was created for the sole purpose to get rid of me. Why? I have no idea. I admit I've made some mistakes, last time I checked, I'm human and unfortunately, we make mistakes from time to time.

During the evaluation, he listed all the bad things I've done and none of the good and vital things I've done. Luckily, I had made a list of accomplishments and goals before the meeting. He didn't seem to really care, and because there is only two weeks left of my six months, there was no time to show real improvement...not that it would be checked anyway. So, I get a bad evaluation and it's sent to human resources and my future employment will be determined by people who I will probably never meet and I will be terminated.

Really, it's sad. Frankly, having to put up with everyone there, teachers especially, was hard and when they needed me to do something that I wouldn't know what they were talking about, it made them mad and it stressed me out. Again, I was literally hired and thrown in the isolate bookroom to figure thing out myself. I can agree that I may not be suited for the job, but I tried my best and that's really all anyone can do. It doesn't justify the treatment I received from the staff. I swear, I was like the only person working there who was brought up with any manners. No please or thank you. It's always, find this, do this, I need this!
Some coworkers were nice and will be missed should I be leaving, but most of the people I had to work with, are just flat out mean and rude to the students. They enforce too harsh of policy sometimes just finding ways to charge students for lost or forgot-at-home IDs. They are like 11.00 bucks for a cheap piece if plastic with their picture and barcode on it. I can understand the security issue with that, however, if they were caught without an ID, they were charged 11.00 bucks no matter what and the new ID would be delivered. Most of the fines assessed, like 90% or more, were all IDs. They tried making me send away students who didn't have hall passes after they walked all the way down to the bookroom for a book or to return one. Why the hell would I waste every one's time by sending a student without a hall pass back into the hall to go get one? It made no sense at all. All of the clerical and secretarial staff try running it like it's a prison...and not a school. I felt bad for the kids.

Typically, I'm not one to care whether or not someone likes or dislikes me. Whatever! Everyone can hate me until they are blue in the face, but I will not stoop down to their level. For whatever reason I was chosen to be exiled, it was really unnecessary to go behind my back rather than confront any issue they may have had with the directly. Totally unprofessional. And for my supervisor, who has no clue about running any operations in the bookroom whatsoever, who I rarely see or talk to because the bookroom was too far away for him to check up on me for six months, has no right to terminate me, nonetheless, call himself a order to do that, he would first need to supervise. I'm so fucking tired of people talking shit behind my back, it's my turn now! I'm pissed, I lost my job for no good reason. I hated the job but shit, it's better than no job.

People should try and make an effort to realize that I'm a person too. I'm in this world and going along for the ride just like everybody else. It would be nice if someone noticed me and recognize me as an equal. I want to do good in this world, I want to be center of attention, I want something other than the life I currently live. No one shows compassion, or feelings. Anger, deceit, angst, hopelessness are all the feeling people show toward me. Where's the love? No wonder I hate the world and all the people in it.


Judgment Day!

Stardate: 24040.9

As the days go by, one by one, and the weeks, the months, the years…I never thought to be in the position where I would be judged and tested to the limit. I have my arraignment tomorrow as well as an evaluation meeting at work. Both will shape the outcome of my shadowed, but foreseeable future.
I vowed to start this year fresh, stay out of trouble, work hard to clean up the things that slow me down, and to make this year the best year of my life. I got in trouble but it's not going to put me down. I must move on and not let things like that get in my way. I made a mistake, but that's how we as people learn. No matter the outcome, I need to be strong. I am willing to face the consequences.

Any day is a good day to start fresh. Just because this year, right now, isn't going my way, doesn't mean I give up. I just gotta play the game.


Already Fucked Up!

Stardate: 24008.2
I just had the worst day ever. The great, omnipotent higher power...or testing me, I swear. Ironically, on the anniversary of the day I went to jail for the first time years ago, I fucking get arrested!
Here's what happened...Early this morning I go to Noel's house seeking great vengeance for bailing out on our plans. I went over to wake her up and demand coffee. This is something I do to Noel on a normal and regular basis. She didn't want to make coffee. Instead, she gives me money and sends me to Starbucks. I gave in and went downtown where I did the stupidest thing. I slammed the breaks very hard as I nearly almost ran a red light. I wasn't paying attention. Fortunately, for me there was a cop in the vicinity to witness my dumbass do something so stupid. Of course, I get pulled over right in front of the Starbucks I was headed to. Stupid incident number two happens when I open the glove box looking for my paperwork when suddenly a metal pipe falls out. The pipe wasn't mine, but I know how it got there and forgot it was in there. At that moment, I knew I was fucked! Sure enough, I'm in handcuffs, my car is towed, and I get hauled off to jail.
I spent the day waiting and waiting. I was released right after booking by a nice lady working at the court. I was sure I was spending the night there, but I actually cried tears of joy. I waited and waited some more before I finally get shuttled off downtown.
What a way to spend a Saturday and starting off the new year. It was a horrible day, but I'm certainly not going to let this bring me down, nor my spirit, nor my good year! I literally brushed it off and I'm totally fine. I need to be careful!