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The Return

Stardate: 31552.8
Well, I’m back…like anyone cares. I haven’t written since July of 2012. Since that time, I’ve have tons of things to bitch about! I can tell you that I’m a completely different person then I was then. That’s partly why I stopped writing. A lot of crazy things have happened to me. A lot of things I learned and grew from. Things that I suffered and struggled through. Not all of it was bad. There were some good times, but the most memorable times were, of course, the bad.
Growing up is something everyone does. I guess at the ripe old age of 30 is finally the time that I decide to grow up. I never embraced responsibility, at least, not until it was forced upon me. I realize how that might sound, but sadly, it’s true.
I guess you can say that I was very spoiled growing up. I had everything I needed, lots of things I wanted, and never had to worry about anything. Getting everything you ever wanted simply by throwing a tantrum was a manipulative was of getting what I want. Since it worked about 80% of the time, that's what I did.
Now fending for myself, that doesn't work so much. I have to find ways around my childish tenancies and do things the hard way.

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