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The Beginning of the End

Stardate: 27529.3

The year 2012 has been dubbed, by most, the year the world is going to end. Since human beings cannot foresee the future, the ability to predict such an event is practically impossible. No one even knows how it’s going to all end…that is something that everyone has to figure out when the end occurs. In the meantime, we wait…

However, I do not believe the world will end, not this year or anytime in the near future…but someday…

Just in case the end is right around the corner, this is the beginning of the end. So many people believe this because an ancient civilization created their complicated version of a calendar which is calculated to stop on winter solstice, December 21,2012. I don’t think it occurred to anyone that they may have never finished it. We can really ask them because they were wiped out long ago. So, it just caught on for everyone that 2012 was the year the world was going to end.

Now that we are almost to that point, to me, it seems unlikely anything will happen. Who really knows? I can tell you that this year, so far, has been a weird one. Scratch that! It’s been one hell of a crazy year, one I will remember forever. It’s extremely difficult to forget, not just my world falling apart, but my life as well. People who I thought I trusted have all turned on me. There is not one human being I can trust with anything. The minute things between myself and anyone else seem to be alright…that’s when they turn on you and for reasons that don’t seem to make any sense at all…asking the question, why…you lose everything with that person that actual time was spent putting together, the friendship. It’s gone!

When the realization kicks in that nothing in my life is going to ever be the same again, I seclude myself. I hide. Everything in that moment seems so impossible. Things literally feet away became to far to reach, things that were simple to accomplish became unbearable to deal with, everything freezes like it’s standing still. The movie is on pause with no remote control to push play…my life is not going anywhere, I’m stuck!

All alone in this place where the others have all turned against me…it sucks! But I know that I’m alive anyway…I have to deal with the people in world. I have to do something for myself and get on track. If the end of the world IS near, then doing anything seems to be a hopeless cause. I’m only just beginning so close to the end. I had all the time in the world to better myself and start living an actual life, but waited until it was too late…damn!